Using Moldcare is helpful for the reduction of set up errors

This is a research paper using Moldcare (HN 0.5, 20cm x 15cm). This paper states using Moldcare is associated to a −52.3% (−73.7% - -11.2%) reduction of the setup errors in IMRT treatments.
Contesini M, Guberti M, Saccani R, Braglia L, Iotti C, Botti A, Abbati E, Iemmi M.
Setup errors in patients with head-neck cancer (HNC), treated using the Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) technique: how it influences the customised immobilisation systems, patient's pain and anxiety.
Radiat Oncol. 2017 Apr 27;12(1):72. doi: 10.1186/s13014-017-0807-y. PMID: 28449698; PMCID: PMC5408424.
The main purpose of this study was to determine how the procedures for preparation of customized immobilization systems and the patients' characteristics influence the extent of setup errors.
Using a 'Small size standard plus customized neck support device' is associated to a −52.3% (−73.7% - -11.2%) reduction.
For more information, please refer to the original documents below.
<Abstract and Full-text>
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