Business Field
How to help people receiving care to live a more comfortable
How to improve care on the ground in the medical profession?
Constantly asking ourselves these questions and cherishing its relationships with recipients of care
with medical professionals, ALCARE has long strived to create new value through technology.
In a hyper-aging society, healthcare services are under pressure to transform. To respond to increasingly diverse challenges, we will address the needs of healthcare providers on the ground, focusing on all care processes that will contribute to healthy longevity and quality of life, from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and onto rehabilitation and return to society.
Designing new value to connect individual care processes.
Going beyond product development, ALCARE will continue to take on the challenge of new possibilities
in care
through the information, services, and experiences we have built up over the years.

ALCARE conducts business in four specialized domains.

Since its success in the first development and domestic manufacture of plaster bandages in Japan
1953, ALCARE has supported patient assistance, immobilization, and functional aids with its range
plaster products for fracture treatment, and support and immobilization devices with product
based on the principles of conservative therapy and rehabilitation.
We are addressing challenges for supporting and strengthening the human body's innate motor
including the potential for new plaster bandages for stress-free treatment of fractures in the
and the visualization of lower extremity muscles, which are the key to healthy longevity in an
Leveraging our many years of experience, we will contribute to the extension of patients' healthy life expectancy and to the improvement of their QOL in a super-aging society.

We have pursued products that promote healing and support labor saving in the care of both acute
wounds, such as traumatic injuries and post-operative wounds from surgery, and chronic wounds,
pressure sores and leg ulcers.
We have adopted many original technologies for care from the perioperative period to discharge
hospital and daily life. They include elastic stockings to support venous circulation, the
provision of
gauze-alternative dressings and pouch drainage products aimed at early recovery and more efficient
treatment during and after surgery, and silicon adhesion technologies to meet wound management
With the progression of the division and increased specialization of medical functions, to provide
patients with continuous, appropriate care, we offer a range of products needed for prevention,
treatment, and post-treatment care, and are engaging with the challenges of multidisciplinary care
coordination for seamless connections between acute phase and community care.
Our goal is to realize total wound care with optimal care that is tailored to the individual.

Since 1965, when we launched Japan's first adhesive ostomy appliance, "Lapack", for people with
(colostomy, urostomy), people who are ill or injured, and elderly persons who require excretion
management, as a manufacturer of ostomy systems, we have continued to offer stoma care solutions
suit the Japanese lifestyle.
As well as deploying stoma care solutions that pursue ease of use and peace of mind, in our desire
resolve the concerns of ostomates as much as possible, we are working to enhance our information
services to support them in their daily lives. Our initiatives in this area include holding the
Ostomates Meeting, tours of the ALCARE factory and the publication of a Stoma Care Guidebook.
We want to deliver peace of mind to ostomates for the rest of their lives.

In the Nursing Care domain, which is connected to all of the respective specialized domains, we
want to
work with nurses to create the comfort and peace of mind that will allow them to deliver the
care that aim for.
To this end, we are engaged in task standardization and labor saving through our products and
and in education and support to help nurses adhere to and continue those tasks.
Since the launch of our elastic adhesive bandage, "Elatex", in 1967, we have focused our efforts
specialized products for device management and skin care for skin that is easily damaged. Based on
perspectives of safety measures and infection control, we will continue to respond to the needs of
nurses in the field.
For nurses' comfort and peace of mind, ALCARE will help to make nursing work more efficient and contribute to medical safety.